Aitina Fareed-Cooke giving her speech

Aitina Fareed-Cooke Reminds Students ‘It’s on You Now’ at First-Year Convocation


Aitina Fareed-Cooke, ’12, ’16, creative arts strategist, Buffalo’s poet laureate, national recording artist, and founder of Get Fokus’d Productions, delivered a powerful speech to the incoming Class of 2028 during Buffalo State University’s annual First-Year Convocation on August 23.

“You will need just enough grit, grind, and grace to carry you forward on this road towards success,” Fareed-Cooke told students. “It’s on you now. Be ready for it. You got this, and we got you. Now go win.”

Fareed-Cooke addressed a full auditorium in the Performing Arts Center at Rockwell Hall for First-Year Convocation, the Buffalo State tradition that officially introduces and welcomes its newest students to the campus academic community.

Fareed-Cooke, who earned her B.A. in English and M.S. in education from Buffalo State, uses digital media art and storytelling to ignite thought and expand perspectives. In collaboration with a collection of creatives, and through the mentorship of emerging artists, she amplifies community voices using a social design approach, creating a ripple effect of positivity within the creative arts.

Following is the full text of Fareed-Cooke’s speech:

Aitina Fareed-Cooke giving her speech

It’s on You Now

by Aitina Fareed-Cooke

First and foremost, I want to let you know that 

I am not here to convince you that this road towards success will be easy. 

I am not here to sell you on the fact that Buffalo State University is reputable in building strong successful leaders.

My assumption is that you did your research on us, and you decided this was the place you wanted to be.

Or maybe your parents pushed you. 

Maybe a family member calls this place their alma mater,

And you wanted to try it for yourself.


Either way you are here, and I’m just here to tell you the truth.

The truth of the matter is that it is on you now.

It’s on you—I know. I understand.

This was a shocking development that I realized mid-journey of my first year here back in 2004—yes, 20 years ago. 

Yes, I know I don’t look like it. 

But I’ve driven on a road similar, and I’ve tripped. 

Fell, failed, and found that some advice just didn’t work for me.

It just wasn’t practical.

I was not in the position to want to be convinced. 

I just wanted the truth. 

And I really just wanted to win.


For me it was a matter of proving to myself

That I could rise above the labels that were placed on me.

Like “Failure to thrive,”

“Emotionally handicapped,”

“Foster child,” “Insubordinate.”

I come from displacement,

A mother who I lost to substance abuse disorder.

The odds were against me.

A group of students in the audience


But because of my community and the opportunities they provided,

Even beyond that—Because of my willingness to accept the support,

I developed a want and desire for more.

I wanted to see what could happen if I tried.

Through my pursuit of winning, I lost often.

I even had to leave this place due to unwise decisions. 

I withdrew—I failed.

Went through the darkest side of life. 

Sat within a puddle of disappointment. 

Depression and suicidal thoughts were my acquaintances. 

I am not here to convince you that the road to success is easy.

No, this road will be tough.  

That’s because life is.

But that is also the beauty in it.


Faculty at convocation

That toughness will supply you the muscle to endure

If you allow it. 

But I get that you knew that already.

Being that your class has been through the most difficult moments in modern history, 

You don’t need me to remind you. 

But at least let me applaud you, because for the most part,

Many of you were just getting comfortable in high school until our world went wild.

Some of you may have felt forgotten, unheard.

Some of you lost loved ones.

Some of you were displaced.

I’m so sorry.


But look at this—look at you—you are here now.

You pushed and persevered. 

Through that time you have gained

Much of what it takes to make these next years work for you.

It’s on you now.

That’s just the truth. 

I am not here to convince you that our administration,

Staff, and professors are the best in the country,

Though many of them are, from my experiences.

I am just here to tell you the truth.

That you are more likely to succeed if you establish healthy relationships with them.

The truth is that they are human too.


Please don’t forget that.

At times you may catch them on an off day.

Please reciprocate the extension of grace.

Actively listen. 

Speak up and advocate for yourself when it is necessary.

But please be tactful in your approach.

To win doesn’t mean that every move you make will be perfect.

What is perfection?

Who is perfect?

We are imperfect people.

As long as you don’t position your imperfections as excuses.

Students assembled for First-Year Convocation


Mistakes will be made.

But with every step you take, may you become all the more fascinated

With the power of rising above.

I didn’t win when I walked across the stage and accepted my degrees.

I won because I endured the journey.

I won because I was afraid but didn’t allow it to suffocate me.

I won because in the midst of my failures I stood back up.

There were moments where I didn’t spend the time

To dust myself off. I just got back in there.

I won because I wasn’t the same person when I walked across that stage.

I was more—more equipped—more knowledgeable.

I gained a new level of thinking.

I designed the framework of who I wanted to be in relation to what this world needed.

Someone with dignity, honor, respect, servitude. 

Someone who desired change and began to change on the inside.

In order to exude the change that I wanted to see. 


Aitina Fareed-Cooke giving her speech

Someone who is Fokus’d. So be Fokus’d. 

Fokus’d first letter…

“F” - Build a Firm foundation saturated in values and beliefs.

“O” - Be Optimistic even when things may not look too promising.

“K” - Be Knowledgeable—educate yourself with both lived and learned experiences.

“U” - Be Unwavering in the midst of the steepest mountains that life often presents.

“S” - Be Strategic, have a plan, and be proactive.

“D” - Be Dedicated, Disciplined, and Determined through the process.


For those of you who are afraid, 

Don’t allow fear to hold you hostage.

Do it afraid,

But tame the fear.

Tame the anxiety.

Tame the imposter syndrome.

Tame the uncertainties.

I am here to tell you the truth. 

That though it’s on you now,

We are here, 

With you and for you.

In your corner,

On your side.

We got your back.

Because for us it is imperative that you succeed. 


Your success determines the amount of strength we will have within our society. 

It’s not just about the lessons you will learn within the lecture halls.

But it will be the valuable lessons you gain from life itself.

We are grateful that you chose this place to allow your ideas to flourish.

The place where your passion and purpose can thrive.

The place where your education can shape you into the leader that you envision.

Yes, it’s on you now.

Aitina and the class of 2028


I don’t believe you need to be convinced. 

You just need enough push,

Just enough support. 

You will need just enough grit, grind, and grace

To carry you forward on this road towards success.

It’s on you now. 

Be ready for it.

You got this.

And we got you.

Now go win.

Photos by Nick Butler.