Anne Constantino at commencement

Anne Constantino Urges School of Professions Graduates to ‘Be an Advocate’ at 152nd Commencement


Anne Constantino, ’80, CEO of Telos Consulting Group LLC and former president and CEO of Horizon Health Services, delivered a passionate speech to the graduating Class of 2024 during the School of the Profession’s morning Commencement ceremony on Saturday, May 18. Constantino addressed a full crowd in the Sports Arena for Buffalo State’s 152nd annual Commencement, during which the university conferred degrees on nearly 1,700 undergraduate and graduate students over three ceremonies.

“I urge you to continue to use your education and experiences to be an advocate for what you believe in,” Constantino told students. “Your voice matters as you stand up against systemic inequalities and work toward building a world where everyone has equal opportunities and rights. Your generation, as mine did, can drive meaningful change.”

Constantino holds a bachelor of science in art education from Buffalo State University and a master’s degree in counseling and educational psychology from the University at Buffalo. Under her leadership, Horizon experienced remarkable growth and established itself as a beacon of excellence in the behavioral health industry both statewide and nationally. Following her retirement in 2023, Constantino transitioned to the realm of consulting, leveraging her expertise to offer executive and leadership coaching services.

Following is the full text of Constantino’s speech:

Good morning, graduates, faculty members, distinguished guests, and families.

It is an immense honor to stand before you today. As a proud 1980 graduate, I am so very grateful for the opportunities this institution provided me.

Being here, I can’t help but reflect on my time at Buff State—living in Low Rise East, waiting tables at Moot Hall, and loving both the academic challenges and the endless new experiences.

To the graduating Class of 2024, I extend my heartfelt congratulations. Today marks your official induction into the esteemed alumni community, armed with knowledge, determination, and the undeniable mark of achievement: your hard-earned diplomas.Top of Form

Take a moment to revel in the pride of your accomplishments. I know many of you received support, guidance, and perhaps a much-needed push from friends, family, or mentors. Please take a moment today to acknowledge and express gratitude for their contributions to your success.

Your class is unique in that your college experience was disrupted by a historic pandemic. No doubt, the experience and additional challenges resulting from COVID have equipped you with invaluable skills and perspectives that will serve you well. The world will constantly be changing, and clearly unexpected challenges lie ahead. Your resilience and ability to overcome adversity will remain among your greatest assets.

As a mental health professional, I need to recognize the fear and isolation that the pandemic brought about and the impact on the mental health of so many people.

The pandemic also illuminated a time when health care and societal disparities were laid bare. I urge you to continue to use your education and experiences to be an advocate for what you believe in. Your voice matters as you stand up against systemic inequalities and work toward building a world where everyone has equal opportunities and rights. Your generation—as mine did—can drive meaningful change.

Some of you may have a clear vision of your next steps, while others may still be exploring. You may be wondering, “What comes next? What do I do now?” Believe me when I tell you I’ve been there many times throughout my life and career. My journey was far from linear, beginning as an art educator—where I couldn’t really find a job!—and culminating in leading a not-for-profit behavioral health organization. Who could have predicted such a trajectory?

I know that the road ahead is filled with endless possibilities. Embrace the unknown with open arms, for within it lies the opportunity to discover new passions, to grow beyond your comfort zone or perceived limits. You can shape the life you desire. There will be unexpected turns, choices, and opportunities. Sometimes, you must trust your instincts and take a leap of faith, even when the outcome is uncertain.

Yes, there will be bumps in the road and unforeseen detours. You will make mistakes and gain invaluable lessons. But isn’t that what makes life interesting? 

Embrace the chaos, confront adversity, champion your beliefs, and lean into the challenges and opportunities that await.

And finally—a fulfilled life is about living with purpose and aligning your actions with your values. Discover what ignites your soul and pursue it with unwavering determination. Cherish the moments of joy and never underestimate the power of kindness, for even the smallest acts can make a significant impact.

And as you navigate the twists and turns of your journey, remember to be kind to yourself as well as to others. With each step forward, keep your heart open to new experiences and new people and your mind open to learning and growth.

The relationships you cultivate—both personal and professional—will serve as pillars of support, sources of inspiration, and avenues for collaboration.

These connections enrich your life, broaden your perspectives, and remind you that you are never alone on your path.

It is through these bonds that we find strength, understanding, love, friendship, and the shared joy of life’s experiences.

I wish you boundless success, health, and fulfillment in every endeavor, and a life rich with meaning and purpose.

Congratulations, Class of 2024!

Thank you.

Photo by Jesse Steffan-Colucci, Buffalo State photographer.