Faculty and staff at academic convocation

Interim President Durand Emphasizes Community at Annual Academic Convocation


Interim President Bonita R. Durand, Ph.D., offered congratulatory remarks at Academic Convocation, a tradition that recognizes select faculty and staff members with President’s and Chancellor’s Awards for Excellence for their extraordinary efforts on behalf of the university, recognizes significant awards and major grants of faculty and staff members, and welcomes all new employees to campus. Gerard J. Puccio, Ph.D., SUNY distinguished professor of creativity and change leadership, presented the Convocation Address.

Durand addressed a full auditorium in the Performing Arts Center at Rockwell Hall during the ceremony on Thursday, September 19. She reminded attendees of Ernest Boyer’s Six Principles of Community, and invited all to renew the commitment to excellence, teaching, and service.

“Together, we will shape the future of Buffalo State University faithfully mirroring our ideals of academic excellence and community spirit,” Durand said. “Remember, we're all in this together, and together we are unstoppable.”

Following is the full text of Durand’s speech:

Good morning, colleagues. 

I stand before you today as a fellow member of this extraordinary community that we have the privilege to call our own—our beloved Buffalo State University. I am overjoyed about today and that we have reinstituted this time-honored tradition. I got goosebumps hearing the sounds of the bagpiper once again echoing through the campus. And it warmed my heart to see all of you march through the campus resplendent in your regalia as an academic community—bound by our commitment to this institution, our profession, the surrounding community, and our students.

As we gather to mark the ceremonial opening of the academic year, let us take a moment to reflect on our journey. Last November, standing at this same podium, we pledged to enhance our morale and campus climate, to address the daunting structural deficit, and to right-size our institution for efficiency and sustainability.

As we move forward, our focus will be on building upon positive trends while addressing areas of challenge. 

Beyond numbers, we must remember that our primary mission is to create an enriching academic environment that fosters learning, discovery, and personal growth. We will continue to prioritize the development and enhancement of our curriculum, pedagogy, degree programs, research opportunities, and grant initiatives.

Let us not forget that our success as an institution lies not merely in our financial sustainability targets or our enrollment data, but also in the quality and impact of our academic work. Our commitment to excellence in teaching, research, and service is what truly defines Buffalo State University.

Colleagues, as we gather here today to celebrate the dawn of another academic year, we renew our commitment to our mission: to empower students to succeed and to inspire a lifelong passion for learning.

This mission forms the bedrock of our institution and echoes through the framework of Ernest Boyer’s Six Principles of Community. These principles are not merely theoretical constructs, but the pillars that will support our shared vision and mission. These principles were introduced at an academic gathering such as this many years ago. As we revive this tradition, I think they are worth repeating. 

The Purposeful Learning Community: At Buffalo State University, we uphold the principle of the Purposeful Learning Community. Guided by our shared mission to empower students and inspire lifelong learning, we navigate our pursuit of academic excellence with clear intentionality. We transcend traditional academic boundaries, fostering an environment that sparks curiosity, cultivates critical thinking skills, and champions lifelong learning. Our community is a dynamic, inclusive ecosystem where everyone—students, faculty, and staff—both teaches and learns, united in the collective endeavor of intellectual growth and exploration.

The Pluralistic and Open Community: We believe in the power of diversity and cherish openness and civility. Each individual at Buffalo State, from the freshest freshman to the most seasoned professor, brings a wealth of unique experiences, perspectives, and strengths. This diversity enriches our learning environment and inspires innovative thinking. Let us celebrate this diversity, engage in respectful dialogues, and continue learning from one another. As an open community, we uncompromisingly protect freedom of expression and powerfully affirm civility. As we celebrate our diverse identities, let’s continue to learn from each other. We uphold a community where diverse ideas can co-exist and flourish, and where every voice, regardless of its origin or viewpoint, is valued and heard. This commitment to openness and pluralism forms the bedrock of our institutional culture, shaping a learning environment that is as enriching as it is enlightening.

The Just Community: As we continue to address our structural deficit, it is critical that we uphold the principles of justice and fairness in every decision we make. Our strategies should not only be financially and academically sound but also morally sound, reflecting our commitment to equality, transparency, and fairness.

The Caring Community: Our mission to empower students to succeed is deeply rooted in a culture of care. This means being there for each other, empathizing with one another, and supporting each other, in times of both challenges and triumphs. It means recognizing that behind every decision, every strategy, there are human stories that matter.

The Celebrative Community: Let’s remember to celebrate our achievements, however small they may seem. Every milestone, every innovation, every moment of progress deserves to be celebrated. Let’s foster a culture of gratitude and recognition, where every member of our community feels valued, appreciated, and inspired to contribute to our shared vision and mission.

Guided by these principles, our journey this year is focused on strengthening our sense of community, enhancing our living and learning environment, and striving for academic excellence that aligns seamlessly with our mission. It is through this shared commitment that we will foster a thriving academic ecosystem and propel Buffalo State University towards its envisioned future.

So, as we step into this new academic year, let us commit to enhancing our campus climate, by fostering a sense of belonging and inclusivity. Let us remember that we are not just addressing financial challenges, but setting the foundation for a sustainable, healthy academic institution.

Our institution’s greatness lies not just in our academic excellence, but in our ability to weave a sense of community within our academic fabric. I invite each of you to join me in further committing to this ethos, to continue to place our students at the heart of all our efforts, to embrace continuous improvement as our mantra, and to cultivate a culture of quality that sets us apart. I applaud and congratulate all of our award recipients and thank them for their significant contributions to this institution.

Together, we will shape the future of Buffalo State University, faithfully mirroring our ideals of academic excellence and community spirit. Together, we will make a difference, leaving a lasting impact and charting a course for future generations. Let this be the year we take great strides in progress, the year we celebrate our community, and the year we truly succeed. Remember, we are in this together, and together, we are unstoppable.

Thank you, and here’s to another year of learning, growing, and succeeding together. And in the words of President Bulger, “Onward, and upward!”

Video by John Myers, Buffalo State Marketing & Communications.

Photos by Jesse Steffan-Colucci, Buffalo State photographer.