Students at Buffalo State University's Orientation.

New Program Brings Buffalo State Orientation to New York City


Buffalo State University’s carefully curated Orientation programs help new students learn about available resources, acclimate to campus, and prepare to become a Bengal. But for some non-local students, a summer trip to campus isn’t feasible because of financial requirements or lack of reliable transportation.

To address this need, Buffalo State is launching a new program for New York City–based students that brings Orientation to them. Thanks to a grant from SUNY that covers travel expenses, food, and accommodations, Buffalo State will host two half-day sessions of New York City Orientation on Monday and Tuesday, August 12 and 13, at the SUNY Global Center in Midtown Manhattan.

“I’m very excited,” said Thomas Trzepkowski, associate director of orientation, transition, and family programs. “It’s a way for us to reach students in a different way and take our program on the road to the New York City area.”

Along with Trzepkowski and staff members from Orientation, Transition, and Family Programs, Buffalo State will bring representatives from Academic Advising, the Dean of Students Office, Roar 2 Success, Student Conduct and Community Standards, and Student Leadership and Engagement.

After the sessions conclude at 1:00 p.m., students enrolled in the Roar 2 Success program will attend a mixer with Roar 2 Success staffers. (These students will travel back to Buffalo State on Wednesday, August 14, to begin the Bengal Bound Summer Bridge Program.) 

“It’s the best condensed version of Orientation,” said Elizabeth Ching-Bush, interim dean of students. “Of course we want students to come here—get acclimated to the campus community, see it, feel it, and get excited for the next steps—but in order to make sure we’re being equitable, we want to give this opportunity to students and families for whom that is not feasible, so they feel included.”

“It’s a crash course to get our students all the most important information,” Trzepkowski added. “We want to make sure they have resources as if they’d attended in person, and meet staff that support and care for them to make the transition as easy as possible.”

New York City–based students can register now for one of the August sessions in the student portal. For more information, please visit the Orientation website, email, or call (716) 878-4618.

Photo by Jesse Steffan-Colucci, Buffalo State photographer.