Interim President Bonita R. Durand meets with Buffalo State University staff at the annual Second and Third Shift Pizza Party.

Second- and Third-Shift Pizza Party Celebrates Buffalo State Staff


Buffalo State University recognized its staff members who work evening and overnight shifts, as Interim President Bonita R. Durand and members of her administration hosted the annual Second- and Third-Shift Pizza Party in Bulger Communication Center on June 29.

Vice President for Finance and Management Laura J. Barnum joins Buffalo State University staff at a table during the annual Second and Third Shift Pizza Party.

Vice President for Finance and Management Laura J. Barnum joins Buffalo State University staff members at a table during the annual Second-and Third-Shift Pizza Party.

Staff members from Facilities, Information Technology, and University Police were among those honored. Joining Durand at the event were Vice President for Finance and Management Laura J. Barnum, Interim Chief Diversity Officer Lisa Morrison-Fronckowiak, and Chief of Staff in the President’s Office LeVar Nathaniel Burke.

“This is a tradition at Buffalo State that celebrates the staff we often don’t see," said Durand, who started the annual event when she was chief of staff at Buffalo State. “It is a small token of our gratitude for their hard work and dedication.”

Durand and members of her administration met and thanked the late-shift staff, while pizza and refreshments were served. President’s Office staff members Melissa Slisz and Laurie Graziano helped plan and coordinate the event.

“I would like to truly express my sincere appreciation to all of you who work tirelessly behind the scenes at our university,” Durand told attendees. “Your commitment ensures that this institution runs smoothly on a daily basis. Please accept my heartfelt thanks for everything you do in support of Buffalo State University.”

Photos by Lisa Morrison-Fronckowiak, interim chief diversity officer.