About the Buffalo State University Council
The Buffalo State University Council is responsible for the "operations and affairs" of the university. It is composed of ten members—nine appointees of the Governor of New York, and one elected student representative. Appointees serve seven-year terms, and student representatives are elected for one-year terms.
The council meets at least four times annually, and the chair, or any five members by petition, may at any time call a special meeting. The agenda for such meetings will be available three days prior to the meetings and will be considered public records. Five members attending will constitute a quorum for the transaction of business and the act of a majority of the members present at any meeting is the act of the council.
Council Members
This Year
October 8, 2024
Agenda | Minutes (PDF)
November 12, 2024
Agenda |
February 4, 2025
Agenda |
April 8, 2025
Last Year
October 3, 2023
Agenda | Minutes (PDF)
November 6, 2023
Agenda | Minutes (PDF)
November 28, 2023
Agenda | Minutes (PDF)
February 6, 2024
Agenda | Minutes (PDF)
March 28, 2024
Agenda | Minutes (PDF)
April 16, 2024
Agenda | Minutes (PDF)
Agendas, meeting minutes, and podcasts since 2008 are available in the Buffalo State Council archive.
Standing Committees
Pursuant to New York State Education Law § 356, 3. d., the Council establishes this committee to “review the proposed budget requests for such institution prepared by the head thereof and recommend to the state university trustees a budget for [Buffalo State University].” Further, it will review with the head of the institution for its more effective operation and make such recommendations with respect thereto as it deems appropriate all strategic plans related to the financial and budgetary goals of Buffalo State.
Robert Zak, Chair
Linda Dobmeier, '71
Gary Siddall, '12
James Thor, Comptroller and Interim Vice President for Finance
Kelly D’Aloisio, Associate Vice President for Budget and Finance
Pursuant to New York State Education Law § 356, 3. e., the Council establishes this committee to “foster the development of advisory citizens committees to render such assistance as the council may request, and to appoint the members of such citizens' committees.” This group serves as an advisory body, providing both a local and regional perspective on issues related to the institution’s role in the community. In addition, the group will assist the institution in strengthening communication links with the public on broader issues of community concern.
Community leaders from the areas served by the University and appointed by the President in consultation with the Council Chair.
William Benfanti, Associate Vice President for Institutional Advancement
LeVar Burke, Secretary to the Council
Elizabeth Ching-Bush, Interim Dean of Students
Kristin Fields, Continuing and Professional Studies
Pursuant to New York State Education Law § 356, 3. b and c, the Facilities, Buildings, and Grounds Committee shall review all strategic plans for the improvement and/or expansion of institutional plants, and make regulations governing the care, custody, and management of lands, grounds, buildings, and equipment. The committee advises and helps to guide the strategic capital program. It keeps the full council current on issues related to the institution's capital program and supports the university in its pursuit of individual capital projects. The committee meets at least twice during the academic year to review and assess the progress of capital activities and discrete project issues on an as-needed basis. Further, it shall make regulations governing the care, custody, and management of lands, grounds, buildings, and equipment.
Linda Dobmeier ‘71, Chair
Pete Grum
Patricia Farrell
Michelle Cox – student representative
Lisa H. Krieger, Interim Vice President for Facilities
Sarah Reid, Campus Planner
Carolyn Morris-Hunt, Director, Presidential Events & Protocol
The Governmental Relations Committee actively advocates for the institution at the local, regional state and, if necessary, at the federal level. The committee meets in January to develop plans for advocacy and in May to assess actions needed to finalize legislation and on an as-needed basis. Members visit with legislators as deemed appropriate.
Linda Dobmeier, '71, Chair
Kevin Horrigan ‘92
Mo Sumbundu ‘13 ‘17
William Benfanti, Associate Vice President for Institutional Advancement
Pursuant to New York State Education Law § 356, 3. f, the Buffalo State Council Chair is responsible for naming of buildings and ground consistent with the SUNY policy on Naming Opportunities on State University Campuses. This committee receives recommendations and petitions for naming of buildings and grounds at SUNY Buffalo State and evaluates those requests based upon the established guidelines. The committee makes recommendations to the Buffalo State Council regarding each request for the naming of buildings and grounds. The committee also periodically reviews the Guidelines for Naming of Building and Grounds at Buffalo State to ensure that they reflect "best practices" at major national institutions of higher education, as well as the advice and counsel of the campus president.
Robert Zak, Chair
Gary Siddall, '12
Kevin Horrigan ‘92
Patricia Farrell
James Finnerty, Vice President for Institutional Advancement
Pursuant to New York State Education Law § 356, 3. a, and the ACT Handbook, the Buffalo State University Council Chair is responsible for the appointment of members to committees and recommend the appointment of Council vacancies to the SUNY Board of Trustees. As such, this committee will recommend to the Council Chair candidates to fill such vacancies, subject to the Chair’s discretion. Further, this committee will recommend to the Council candidates for the award for service excellence to Buffalo State University from among its faculty, staff, and students. The committee will establish criteria for these awards, subject to the approval of the Council.
To be determined by the Council Chair as needed.
Linda Dobmeier ‘71 Chair
Pete Grum
Robert Zak
LeVar Burke, Secretary to the Council
Pursuant to New York State Education Law, § 356, 3. b., the Strategic Initiatives Committee will “review all major plans of the head of [Buffalo State University] for its more effective operation and make such recommendations with respect thereto as it deems appropriate. Such plans shall be submitted for approval by the state university trustees, together with the recommendations of the council with respect thereto.”
As such, the Strategic Initiatives Committee shall review all strategic plans for the improvement of the:
- Faculty and other personnel,
- Expansion or restriction of student admission,
- Academic degree programs and the standards governing degree attainment,
- Enrollment management, and
- All other strategic plans commensurate with the New York State Education Law, and not specifically governed by another committee.
Strategic Plans for budget, facilities, and student housing will be reviewed by the Budget Committee; the Facilities, Buildings, & Grounds Committee; and the Student Life, Housing, Conduct, & Safety Committee, respectively.
Further, the committee supports and assists the president with identifying and implementing discretionary projects and strategies designed to accomplish specifically identified goals and objectives for the university. These projects and strategies may be outside of the university's day-to-day operational activities and will have a finite-duration.
Robert Zak, Chair
Linda Dobmeier ‘71
Mo Sumbundu ‘13 ‘17
Amitra Wall, Interim Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs
Randyll Bowen, Vice President for Enrollment Management
LeVar Burke, Chief of Staff and Secretary to the Council
Pursuant to New York State Education Law, § 356, 3. g, h, the Student Life, Housing, Conduct, & Safety Committee regularly reviews nonacademic student-related issues and activities. The committee periodically assesses the quality of student life on campus to enable the Buffalo State Council to prescribe for, and exercise supervision over, student housing and safety. The committee also periodically makes recommendations to the council related to its authority to make regulations governing the conduct and behavior of students. In addition, it will determine which cases involving violations of the Code of Rights, Freedoms, and Responsibilities of Students will be granted appeals. The board will then review such cases and, where deemed appropriate, will vacate convictions in verdicts and/or reduce sanctions; will grant new hearings; or will uphold the decisions of the original hearing board. The committee meets four times a year.
Pete Grum, Chair
Kevin Horrigan ‘92
Patricia Farrell
Michelle Cox – student representative
Wayne Brumfield, Interim Vice President for Student Affairs
Jeffrey Hammer, Senior Director for Environmental Health and Safety
Amy Pedlow, University Police Department Chief
Elizabeth Ching-Bush, Interim Dean of Students