Funding Opportunities
Graduate assistantships are available through various academic and administrative departments on campus. Duties vary according to position, but traditionally consist of non-teaching functions such as grading papers, monitoring exams, assisting in administrative assignments, or participating in research projects.
Current Assistantships
The search contact can provide information about required qualifications, the application process, and awards.
Search for current graduate assistantships
Awards may include an in-state tuition scholarship (up to 9 credit hours per fall and spring semesters), a stipend, a meal plan, and housing. Assignments range from 10 to 20 hours per week and may provide stipends from $2,500 to $6,000 per academic year. Stipends and/or tuition scholarships cover in-state tuition only; it is the student's responsibility to pay and additional costs and all university fees and are subject to the university's financial liability schedule.
Graduate assistants must complete a Tuition Scholarship Award Application for each semester funding is sought.
Applicants must be accepted into a graduate program as a matriculated student. There is usually an application process for each assistantship position. Check with the department offering the position to determine the process and requirements.
Additional Employment Opportunities
The Graduate Diversity Fellowship Program (GDFP) is designed to direct aid to graduate students who have demonstrated academic achievement and overcome a disadvantage or other impediment to success in higher education. Candidates will contribute to the diversity of the student body by demonstrating their commitment to facilitating and enhancing diversity, equity, and inclusion efforts in their academic programs and activities.
Applicants must have earned, by the time of enrollment, a baccalaureate degree granted by an accredited U.S. College or university, or an international university of recognized standing.
Accepted and registered as a matriculated in a graduate (master's degree) student.
Be U.S. citizens or have permanent resident status.
Demonstrate how they have overcome a disadvantage or other impediment to success in higher education.
Demonstrate a commitment to contributing to the diversity of the student body by facilitating and enhancing diversity, equity, and inclusion efforts in their academic programs and campus activities.
Even though financial need is not a requirement for program eligibility, applicants may utilize economic disadvantage as a basis for eligibility.
Preference will be given to candidates who are from a low-income background (e.g., Pell-eligible as undergraduates), were first-generation college students (students whose parents have not earned a bachelor's degree), have overcome adversity, are AmeriCorps alumni, or are veterans.
The Graduate Diversity Fellowship Program is open to all prospective candidates regardless of race, color, national origin, or sex, and is consistent with all current governing federal and state nondiscrimination law. All application submissions will be assessed and evaluated in accordance with the required eligibility criteria.
Students who are awarded a SUNY Graduate Diversity Fellowship for the 2024 – 2025 academic year may receive a tuition scholarship and/or a stipend during their continuous registration as a master's degree candidate.
Up to twelve (12) graduate credit hours of tuition may be funded each fall and spring semester for the 2024-2025 school year. The tuition amount will be adjusted for in-state tuition. It is the student's responsibility to pay all university fees. All campus distributions are pending annual state budget approval. While we have been awarding campuses scholarships for many years, funding may not be guaranteed every year.
Fellows must maintain a 3.0 cumulative GPA each semester to receive funding.
Students who have been awarded a Fellowship for the 2024-2025 academic year must complete a Tuition Scholarship Award Application to apply for the tuition scholarship each semester funding is needed.
How to Apply
Complete the online Fellowship Application.
In 600 words or less, submit a response to the following prompt: “Please describe how you’ve engaged, facilitated, and/or enhanced diversity, equity, and inclusion efforts during the last academic year. Examples could include personal, academic, and/or work experience and may include, but is not limited to, student’s direct experience contribute to enhancing diversity efforts in their academic programs or campus communities; experiences overcoming economic, social, educational disadvantages, and/or other barriers.”
Confirm receipt of your online application and essay to the online portal by the appropriate application deadline.
Application Deadlines
Fall semester: July 1
Spring semester: November 1
GSA Funding
Buffalo State graduate students can apply for funding to present academic papers, travel to conferences for particular purposes, or conduct research.
Students must document their participation and request funding through their department chair and academic dean. As funding for the full amount needed for travel may not be available, students should be prepared to fund part of their trip themselves.
Buffalo State encourages students to seek funding assistance through the Graduate Student Association. The GSA requires that requests involving travel must be made at least six weeks prior to the trip.
The State University of New York's Graduate Opportunity Program (GOP) Scholarship may provide disadvantaged graduate students with partial tuition support when they are matriculated in a graduate program.
Students who are awarded a GOP scholarship may receive a partial tuition scholarship each semester through master's degree completion.
- It is the student's responsibility to pay the tuition balance and all university fees
- The scholarship is available for the fall and spring semesters only.
- GOP scholars must maintain a 3.0 cumulative GPA each semester to continue to receive funding.
- GOP scholars must complete a Tuition Scholarship Award Application to apply for the partial tuition scholarship each semester funding is sought.
Applicants must be
- Graduates of SUNY's Educational Opportunity Program (EOP) or of the City University of New York's Search for Education, Elevation and Knowledge (SEEK) Program, or the Higher Educational Opportunity Program (HEOP). Certification of participation by the campus administering the undergraduate program is required.
- New York State residents.
- Matriculated students in both the fall and spring semesters.
- Pursuing their first master's degree. Students pursuing a second master's degree are not eligible for the EOP scholarship.
How to Apply
Complete the Certification of Participation in EOP/SEEK/HEOP form as part of your online application. Once verification is received from your degree granting undergraduate institution, your application fee will be waived. Information about applying for a scholarship will be sent to you upon submission of the certification form.