EOP Admission to SUNY Buffalo State University
The State University of New York (SUNY) Arthur O. Eve Educational Opportunity Program (EOP) provides a vehicle for admission to college for those who need it. EOP provides counseling and tutoring support services to students that are both economically and educationally placed at a disadvantage. EOP provides participants with a counselor who has the sole responsibility of providing academic and personal support to program students.
Note: EOP is not a Financial Aid or Scholarship Program it is an academic support program.
- New York State resident for 12 months prior to enrollment.
- Attend and graduate from a New York State-recognized high school.
- Applicants must be ineligible for admission under traditional standards, but demonstrate potential for completing a college-level program
- You must be both eligible academically and financially to be considered for EOP Admission.
- Apply to Buffalo State University
- Submit your official high school and/or previous college transcripts
- Once we receive your transcripts, we will review your application academically
- If you are academically eligible for EOP, you will be moved on for financial review
- If you are above the academic criteria for EOP admission, you will be updated to general admission
- Submit your SUNY EOP Financial Information Form
- Submit the copy of all the pages of your parent's federal 1040 tax return form or
- If your parents did not file taxes, have them submit the federal 4506-T form for proof of non-filing
- Submit all other financial documentation not included on the federal 1040 tax return, such as child-support, SNAP budget letter, or other income.
Send all missing application documents to admissions@buffalostate.edu
Transfer students who would like to be considered for admission as an EOP student must have been enrolled in EOP, HEOP, SEEK, or College Discovery if offered at a prior institution.
If a student is transferring from an institution that does not have an EOP, HEOP, SEEK, or College Discovery program, they must submit parent/guardian tax information that would have been required for review had they applied to Buffalo State as a first-year student.
Please reach out to transfer@buffalostate.edu with any questions.

Contact Us
Chevagne M. McAlmont-Winston
SUNY Buffalo State University
Admissions Office
Moot Hall 138, 1300 Elmwood
Buffalo, NY 14222
Office: (716) 878-3641
Email: mcalmocm@buffalostate.edu