Do You Want to Teach?
Buffalo State University has been the gold standard in teacher education since 1871 when we first opened our doors as a New York State teacher college.
If your dream, like ours, is to become a teacher, Buffalo State education faculty are here to wholeheartedly support you on this journey.
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Within the first year after graduation, the vast majority of our teacher education alums are working within their chosen field: education.
Number of projected job openings for NYS teachers each year (4% growth per year through 2029).
Offering multiple five-year accelerated pathways which lead to a bachelor’s degree and a master’s degree in education.
Undergraduate teacher preparation majors and minors that lead to initial NYS certification, which remains in place for five years.
Graduate programs and certificates that lead to NYS certification, which due to its stringent requirements is often accepted as equivalent in other states.
Buffalo State Offers More than 55 Pathways to Become a Teacher
Childhood Education and English Extension (Grades 1–6 and 7-9 English Extension), B.S.
Childhood Education and Mathematics Extension (Grades 1–6 and 7-9 Mathematics Extension), B.S.
Childhood Education and Social Studies Extension (Grades 1–6 and 7-9 Social Studies Extension), B.S.
Early Childhood and Childhood Education (Birth - Grade 6, Combined Program), B.S.
- Art Education, M.S.Ed.
- Business and Marketing Education, M.S.Ed.
- Career and Technical Education, M.S.Ed.
- Childhood and Early Childhood Curriculum and Instruction, M.S.Ed.
- Childhood Education (Birth-Grade 6), including initial teacher certification (MIITC), M.S.Ed.
- Educational Leadership, C.A.S.
- Educational Leadership Combined School Building Leader/School District Leader (SBL/SDL), C.A.S.
- English Education (7-12), M.S.Ed.
- Human Resource Development, G.C.P.
- ITI-BSE Bilingual Special Education, G.C.P.
- ITI-BSE Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages, C.A.S.
- Literacy Specialist (Birth-Grade 12), M.S.Ed.
- Mathematics Education (7-12), M.S.Ed.
- Music Education, M.M.
- Physics Education (7-12), M.S.Ed.
- Science Education, M.S.Ed.
- Social Studies Education (7-12), M.S.Ed.
- Special Education: Childhood Program, M.S.Ed.
- Special Education: Early Childhood Program, M.S.Ed.
- Students with Disabilities 7-12 Generalist and Students with Disabilities 7-12 Subject Extensions, M.S.Ed.
- Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL), C.A.S.
- Teaching Bilingual Exceptional Individuals, Graduate Certificate
- Technology Education, M.S.Ed.
4+1 Pathways offer motivated students an expedited way to achieve an undergraduate and graduate degree in an accelerated course of combined study. Students accepted into these pathways commit to following the curriculum as detailed by the respective departments and, in doing so, are enabled to take graduate courses while undergraduate students. The 4+1 options are:
- Curriculum and Instruction 4+1
- Early Childhood/Exceptional Education 4+1 (ECE/EXC)
- Literacy Specialist 4+1
- Science Education 4+1
- Special Education and Childhood Education and Early Childhood Pathway Accelerated 4+1
- Special Education and Childhood Education and Generalist Pathway Accelerated 4+1
- Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages 4+1 (TESOL)
- Art Education (Pk-12), Postbaccalaureate Teacher Certification
- Business and Marketing Education, Postbaccalaureate Teacher Certification
- English Education (7-12), Postbaccalaureate Teacher Certification
- Mathematics Education (7-12), Postbaccalaureate Teacher Certification
- Mathematics Education (7-12; 5-6 Extension), Postbaccalaureate Teacher Certification
- Social Studies Education (7-12), Postbaccalaureate Teacher Certification
- Social Studies Education (7-12; 5-6 Extension), Postbaccalaureate Teacher Certification
- Teaching Bilingual Exceptional Individuals, Graduate Certificate Program
- Technology Education, Postbaccalaureate Teacher Certification
All teacher education programs include an initial clinical/field component.
If you have been convicted of a felony, your criminal history record may impede your ability to complete this program and/or become a New York State (NYS) certified teacher. Please review Buffalo State's Admission of Persons with Prior Felony Convictions Policy.

We prepare reflective, innovative, student-centered educators who are committed to transforming lives. Field experience can start early in your teacher education journey with our more than 100 regional, national, and international school partnerships.
Experienced and accredited. We are committed to the intellectual, personal, and professional growth of future and practicing professionals in the diverse field of education.

Dietetics Education
Dietetics majors are prepared for careers as health-care professionals who plan and provide nutritional care in schools, hospitals, clinics, and other institutions. Graduates of the dietetics bachelor of science degree also may work as educators or consultants.
Early Childhood Education
Early childhood and childhood education majors are prepared to teach children from birth through sixth grade. Early childhood education bachelor's degree recipients develop expertise in child development, oral and written communication, instructional design and delivery, assessment of student learning, collaboration with families and other professionals, and classroom management.
Elementary Education
The Elementary Education, Literacy and Educational Leadership Department prepares graduates to teach in elementary schools through a broad-based content education, in-depth study of a given discipline, and a professional sequence of courses on how to teach. Buffalo State is known for its elementary education degrees and teacher-preparation programs, throughout New York State and around the country.
English Education
The English secondary education degree program leads to a New York State Initial Certificate for teaching English in grades 7–12. The required coursework provides students with an understanding of literature for young adults, ethnic literature, contemporary literature, and more. Graduates of the English education degree are prepared for positions as secondary English teachers.
Math Education
The bachelor of science of mathematics with adolescent certification is directed to a career goal of teaching. This math education degree includes the course requirements leading to New York State certification to teach mathematics in grades 7–12.
Music Education
The music education major leads to a New York State Initial Certification for teaching Pre-K-12, broadfield in New York State schools. This music education degree requires intensive study in music performance, music history, music theory, and methodologies of teaching, with special focus on world music and urban culture.
Social Studies Education
Social studies education majors are prepared to teach social studies, including history, in both middle and high schools. The social studies secondary education program prepares students to meet the educational requirements leading to New York State Initial Certification in Adolescence Education required to teach social studies in grades 7–12, with an extension for middle childhood that qualifies the holder to teach social studies in grades 5–9.
Technology Education
Buffalo State's technology education degree prepares students to teach technology and the technological systems utilized in problem-solving. Bachelor of technology education graduates are recommended for an initial certificate to teach technology education in grades K–12.